| December 10, 2019 |

It was a pleasure to be a guest on Good2BSocial’s Legal Marketing 2.0 Podcast with Guy Alvarez to define content experience and explain why marketers should devote energies to the associated efforts to help enhance each client’s journey. Guy and I have both been presenting on legal marketing developments for more than fifteen years.
Much akin to a photojournalist working on a narrative who needs a photo editor to do sequencing that enables the photos to connect to a purpose and make a good book great, content experience has a three-step methodology – Presentation, Structure and Engagement.
A great way to start creating a content strategy is to conduct a content audit, evaluate the content you already have and the data and metrics from it. Use this information to create a content experience strategy that has more consumer-centric content or more SEO ranking content. Do this by identifying your target market and their wants and needs from your firm and create content around that. Keep in mind to make your content visually appealing, organized and to meet the needs of your clients.
To listen to the entire podcast, please visit http://bit.ly/2YDVLOr or click the image below.